
Caroline Graham Swann

Caroline Graham Swann

Darlings, can one imagine how many women and men throughout history have longed for a miracle to transform the body into a sculptured vision of their desire? The technology available in our time is almost like science-fiction. Even ten years ago, this technology was only a wish. Few foresaw fat on the tummy, hips, inner thighs, and love handles could be frozen away by a technique discovered by Harvard University.

The technique is cryolipolysis, which is just the correct medical term for crystallizing the area chosen to a degree of 10 Celsius, thus freezing the fat cells into demise and the body naturally disposing of the unwanted fat. An applicator, Zaftig, developed by Harvard Medical school, pulls the area gently and then begins the freezing process that is painless. Very little discomfort is felt, and no injections or anesthesia is needed. It is simply an hour of being still while the applicator makes the chosen area sculpted. One may work on the laptop or make phone calls or simply relax while the body changes.

Now, is that not like watching a sci-fi movie and wishing this could be real? This absolutely amazes me!

It is FDA-cleared, safe, and effective. It is very important to understand who is a candidate and who is not a candidate for CoolSculpting. It is not a weight-loss procedure but a target for fat bulges that are resistant to diet and exercise, and for those about 10 to 20 pounds over the ideal weight.

Before you ask, yes, it is expensive: about 1,450.00 dollars an area. But if one requires more treatments many discounts are available.

There is no down time, and perhaps a bit of bruising, soreness, or redness depending on the person. Also, one may feel a bit tired after the procedure. Frankly, I would be jumping for joy and being thankful that at long last the legend of Ponce De Leon has come true!

What an amazing time to be alive. I almost have to pinch myself to see if I am dreaming all of this medical technology for the body image.