The Buzzz!!

the buzzz small featuredThe Buzz word this week is divided. While the election heat is getting fierce, business goes on for the rest of the county hive. Buzzy bees in the know are buzzing that there will be a divisive request from the DOE hive that may put some candidate bees in the head governmental hive in a sticky situation. The low humm is that it is not the numbers presented that are the most waspish and that the DOE’s request may bee the easiest budgeting question. The low, low humm is that when even bad patterns have a glitch it can lead to a nest of nasty.

And in other buzz, the local politicos will be swarming on Uncle Sam’s favorite day and expect to be wing deep in orange and yellow. The Historic Hive may be doling out the honey to the DOE for a sip and a nip but things are looking up downtown and the buzz is that a high flyer with some Nashville juice may bee lighting in the Historic Town Square soon. Look for lots of questions, and fewer answers, this week from the head governmental hive and the campaigning drones. Buzzzzz.

Source: K. Depew, News Director