County Audit Findings

Jefferson County’s audit for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013 has been released by the State of Tennessee Office of the Treasury. The audit, which was completed in February of 2014, showed six findings and recommendations.

As has been the case for several years, the Solid Waste Disposal Fund had reoccurring findings. The audit showed a deficit of $3,622,391 in net position and $5, 139,825 in unrestricted net position. Jefferson County Department of Education had a finding in the Federal Programs with a deficit in the unassigned fund balance, which was associated with the time involved in the receipt of grants from the Federal government. The DOE also had a finding due to expenditures exceeding appropriations in the Transportation major category of the DOE General Purpose Fund. Monies earmarked for bus purchases had not been moved to cover the expenditures, according to information provided by the Jefferson County Finance Office, and the funds were transferred to correct the finding.

Office of County Clerk and Office of Circuit and General Sessions Court Clerk had procedural findings associated with pass word, user names and determining costs associated with procedural collection procedures.

Fund Balance information is contained in the fiscal year 2013 audit, including assignments in the County General fund, for $124, 787 (encumbrances), $666,303 (industrial development), $963,108 (appropriated to the 2013-2014 budget to balance the budget). For the Department of Education, General Fund Balance assignments include $1,102,704 (encumbrances), $72,000 (school buses-as noted in the audit findings), $1,010,000(construction projects at Jefferson County High School), and $1,017,007 (appropriated to balance the 2013-2014 budget). The County also showed $74,171,845 in outstanding debt for capitol purposes for the Jefferson County School Department and the Jefferson County Nursing Home. The full audit report can be found online with the Tennessee Comptroller’s Office.

Source: K. Depew, News Director