Looking for Heirlooms

I am a tomato lover and am wondering if I should be looking for heirloom tomatoes? I have heard that they are better than other varieties but I am not sure where to find these seeds or young plants.

With tomatoes like many other things, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Heirlooms are crossed seed that have been handed down for several planting generations. Generally, they are not as pretty as their more commercial brethren and some are not as tasty. Think of it like home cooking. Having a home cooked meal sounds great, unless the cook is not very talented in the kitchen. It is much the same with heirloom tomatoes. Some may be very tasty and others have very little flavor. You might check with your local farmer’s market to see if anyone there is touting heirloom tomatoes. I would suggest tasting the final product before investing a lot of time and space into planting heirloom seeds.

Source: K. Depew, News Director