Some Advice for Starting School

Growing YearsCan you believe that school opening is just around the corner? With the new school, there are a few “musts” for parents. Educating children requires both home and school. When these two become partners, the child greatly benefits. Start the year off with a positive attempt to become more involved.

– Make a point of meeting and communicating with your child’s teacher. This goes far beyond parent-teacher conferences. Arrange a 10 minute meeting in the first few days of school, to introduce yourself to the person that will be spending so much time with your child (call the school to arrange the meeting time). While meeting, stay only the allotted time. Be friendly, pleasant and positive. Find an acceptable way to further communicate. Ask about e-mail or a notebook for communication. Do not ask for, or expect, daily briefs on your child, as this would be time consuming, if done for every child. Ask how the teacher communicates to parents concerning what is being studied at any given time. Take advantage of the e-mail system and send a weekly positive comment, and other information you want the teacher to be aware of. If a crisis arises in your child’s life, communicate this to the teacher, if you feel comfortable. It is not necessary to tell all, just alert to the possibility your child might display a change in behavior, either academically or behaviorally.

– Participate in all PTA-PTO meetings and school events sponsored by the school. Ask the front office for a list of school sponsored events at the beginning of the school year and put them on your calendar. It is important that your child knows you will be participating in his/her school events. Be sure to talk with school administrators and teachers during these times.

– Volunteer with your classroom teacher your time, services or “goodies”, whatever you can do. You may help with parties by sending “something” or physically being there. You may be able to help the teacher with “good” rewards by collecting toys at drive-thus, help grade papers, or be available to listen to children read. You may volunteer regularly or just one or two specified times. Ask the teacher what he/she needs. Don’t forget to ask the principal if there is something you can do school wide.

– Talk to other parents in your child’s class. It is important for you to know your child’s friends at school. Make an effort to know who they are. Talk to parents at parent meetings. Communicate via face book, e-mail or phone. Have play sessions with classmates, including parents. Remember these children will influence your child’s behavior in the future. Become involved now. Do not wait until he/she becomes secretive about relationships in later years. Start with open communication concerning friends.

– Talk to your child about his/her day at school. Remember, these are the people and activities he/she interacts with daily. This also communicates your desire for him/her to be successful at school.