Movie Star Style

Caroline Graham Swann

Caroline Graham Swann

Darlings, the Old Hollywood classics are so chic. Remember how Audrey Hepburn could put a scarf on her head and wrap the ends toward the back, tie them, put on sunglasses, and look so glam? Well, perhaps some of you are too young to remember, but it would be worthwhile to look her style up online. This is a great look for bad hair days, riding with the top down in the car, beach, any windy/rainy day, or if one just wants to look like a movie star simply going to the grocery store!

Joanne Woodward, the lucky blonde beauty that captured Paul Newman’s heart, wore such sweet summer sun dresses in one of my favorite Tennesseee Williams films. The sweetness of her simple sun dress with her feminine flair ignited a sultry look that is captivating to the masculine population, or so Paul Newman thought. When asked if he was ever tempted by female co-stars, his famous reply was, “Why go out for hamburger when I have steak at home?” So, instead of throwing on an old pair of shorts and a T-shirt, slip on a sweet sun dress with a touch of perfume.

Grace Kelly was the epitome of class and dressed with such elegance. I wish gloves and hats would make an encore!

Elizabeth Taylor had a flair for wearing jewelry, namely big rings (really big rings). She overheard two women having a conversation about her 20-something-carat diamond ring being a lack of good taste. Supposedly, she walked over to the two women and took off her ring and asked if they would like to try it on. Of course they wanted to try it on! When the first woman slipped on the ring and was admiring the ring on her own finger, Elizabeth asked, “Now do you think it is a lack of good taste?” Don’t be hesitant to spice up your outfit with glam jewelry. One does not have to think only small pieces are tasteful.

Think like a movie star: the Old Hollywood movie star, to be precise. It is such fun to step out of the box, you owe it to yourself to try it!