School Board Meets In New Year

The Jefferson County School Board met for their Regular Voting Session on Thursday, August 28, 2014 in the Media Center of Jefferson County High School.  The meeting was Called to Order by Chairman of the Board Potts. Absent from Roll Call was Board Member Lowery.

With an addition of the JCHS gym floor and a Motion from Board Member Vines and 2nd from Board Member Rogers, the Board Approved the Agenda. The Consent Agenda was Approved following a Motion from Board Member Jarnigan and 2nd from Board Member Bradley. No students, teachers or citizens requested to address the Board.

Under Items for Information from the Director of Schools, Board Members were informed that the fund balance is $2,483,901 and that $241,000 had rolled into fund balance from the last fiscal year. Building 8 funds will be held in a special account, according to Joan McCoig of the Jefferson County Finance Office. Director of Schools Edmonds distributed a five year plan that will be reviewed by the Board and discussed at a later date. Board Members were informed that the TSBA Fall District Meeting will be held on September 23, 2014 at Newport Grammar School. In reserve accounts restricted for education, there is a total of $378,239 split between several accounts that include grants, school age child care, career ladder, and removal of a building at Rush Strong, BEP, insurance recovery and maintenance projects. Literacy goals were also distributed.

A report was given on Student Assessment Results that showed above average results in math and some deficiencies in reading in the elementary and middle schools. End of Course scores for JCHS students showed well in algebra and English, while improvement was needed in benchmark readiness (which measures projected college success) on the ACT. Locally, ACT scores showed a slight increase.

Chairman Potts congratulated system employees on the gains made last year. She was echoed by the Board.

Under New Business, with a Motion from Jarnigan and 2nd from Bradley, the Board Approved General Purpose Budget Amendment #2 that included insurance recovery of $16,500, grants and movement of funds to accounts set up by the State. They also Approved Federal Amendment #2 dealing with receipt of grants. With a Motion from Bradley and 2nd from Rogers the Board Approved a resolution to surplus transportation department 54 cell phones. They also Approved a Motion from Vines and 2nd from Rogers to allow The Lewis Group to nominate the Patriot Academy for TSBA School of the Year in Excellence in Architectural Design.

Bradley inquired if the bleachers will be removed when repair is made to the JSCH gym floor, which was damaged. Director of Business Affairs for Jefferson County Phagan stated that insurance adjusters have already viewed the floor and he expects decision on the damage soon. He stated that the bleachers are in bad shape, however that would be a decision made at the time of removal.

In Unfinished business, the Board Approved on second reading several policies, with only minimal policy change, upon a Motion from Bradley and 2nd from Jarnigan. Evaluations of Performance forms for the Director of Schools were distributed. Chairman Potts requested that a report be presented on the past five years of capitol project allocations for the Department of Education from the County Commission.

Source: K. Depew, News Director