Carmichael Elected New Chairman Of Jefferson County Commission

Commissioner Turner presenting honorary resolution to past County Clerk Rick FarrarStaff Photo by Jeff Depew

Commissioner Turner presenting honorary resolution to past County Clerk Rick Farrar
Staff Photo by Jeff Depew

The Jefferson County Commission held their Regular Monthly Session on Monday, September 15, 2014 in the Historic Jefferson County Courthouse.

The meeting was Called to Order by acting Chairman, Court Clerk Herndon. All Commissioners were present for Roll Call. With a Motion from Commissioner Baxley and 2nd from Commissioner Turner, the Agenda was Approved.

Acting Chair Herndon opened the floor for nominations for Chairman of the County Commission. Commissioner David Seal nominated Jim Carmichael and Commissioner Bob Beeler nominated Russ Turner. Carmichael was elected 11-9 as Chairman of the County Commission (Kesterson, Gaut, Seals, Blevins, Eslinger, Bales, Scarlett, Dockery, Tucker, Carmichael and Seal with Turner abstaining).

Herndon turned the meeting over to Chairman Carmichael. The floor was opened for nominations for Chair Pro Temp (vice chair). Commissioner John McGraw nominated Robert Tucker and Commissioner Terry Dockery nominated Todd Kesterson. In a 16-4 vote, with Kesterson abstaining, Kesterson was elected as Chair Pro Temp (Huffaker, Douglas, Baxley, Musick, Tabor, Turner, Seals, Solomon, Eslinger, Bales, Scarlett, Dockery, Tucker, Carmichael, Seal, and Sheets).

The floor was opened for nominations for Parliamentarian. Commissioner Tim Seals nominated John Scarlett and Commissioner Turner nominated John McGraw. In an 11-9 vote, with McGraw abstaining, Scarlett was elected Parliamentarian (Kesterson, Gaut, Seals, Blevins, Eslinger, Bales, Scarlett, Dockery, Tucker, Carmichael and Seal).

Commissioner Tim Seals nominated John McGraw for Chaplin and John McGraw nominated Donny Tabor. With Tabor and McGraw abstaining, Tabor was elected Chaplin 11-8 (Kesterson, Huffaker, Gaut, Douglas, Musick, Baxley, Solomon, Tucker, Dockery, Carmichael and Beeler).

With a Motion from McGraw and 2nd from Commissioner Solomon the Minutes were Approved. One citizen requested appearance before the Commission regarding comments to Commissioners from voters at recent exit polls.

Honorary Resolutions were awarded to exiting Commissioners from presenter, Commissioner Turner. Retired Court Clerk Rick Farrar was the recipient of a resolution in his honor. An Honorary Resolution for the late Bobby Vesser was rolled to the next meeting to allow the family to attend.

One addition was made to the list of Notaries and Bonds. The List was Approved with a Motion from Scarlett and 2nd from McGraw.

Under Election of Committees, Boards and Commissions, with consensus in the individual districts, who nominated each other, and with consent of the full Commission and with proper motion to cease from Tucker and 2nd by McGraw, Commissioners Kesterson, Gaut, Musick, Turner, Solomon, Blevins, Scarlett, Tucker, Seal and Beeler will serve on the budget committee. With district nominations, a Motion to cease nominations from McGraw and 2nd from Turner, and by consent of the full Commission, Commissioners Huffaker, Douglas, Tabor, McGraw, Seals, Eslinger, Bales, Dockery, Carmichael, Sheets will serve on the nomination committee.

With a Motion from Gaut and 2nd from Musick, School Resolutions 2014-14 to 2014-17 (Surplus) were Approved.

Under New Business, Tucker made a Motion to suspend the rules to allow the Jefferson County Finance Office to present budget amendments that had not been approved by the budget committee (not seated) and was 2nd by Solomon. Gaut made a Motion to take the amendments as a lot and was 2nd by Seals. The Motion was withdrawn by consent. McGraw made a Motion, 2nd by Baxley, to take items 2 and 4 together (fund balance impacting) and the Motion was Approved. Tucker made a Motion to take items 16 A 1 and 3 and was 2nd by Solomon. The Motion was Approved and the amendments were Approved by consent, however it was determined that the items needed to be by roll call and with a Motion from Solomon and 2nd from Musick the amendments were Approved on a Roll Call vote. Items 2 and 4 were approved 11-10 with a Motion from Turner and 2nd from McGraw. The items had fund balance impact (computer for Building Inspection and movement of funds for triple wide purchase previously approved). Voting No were Commissioners Kesterson, Douglas, Gaut, Musick, Blevins, Eslinger, Bales, Scarlett, Tucker and Carmichael.

Commissioner Dockery made a Motion to approve items 16 B 1-4 with no fund balance impact and was 2nd by Solomon. The Motion was Approved. Dockery also made a successful Motion to Approve a loan request from the County Clerk to fund payroll (needed for start up) and was 2nd by McGraw.

Source: K. Depew, News Director