Humans and Monkeys

Really 300xHave you ever noticed the similarity between Sunday afternoons when you’re hanging out with the family after a big lunch and monkeys sunning on a rock? Both consist of brief, meaningless outbursts of chatter, difficult to interpret, followed by blank stares and cat naps. Give the monkeys a window, a bird feeder, and the NFL and you might as well be looking at Homo sapiens after too much fried chicken and mashed potatoes. In fact, I’m fairly certain I saw someone eat a flea off the head of the person next to them just before their second piece of strawberry pie.

Humans and monkeys, difficult to differentiate. I’m just going to leave that here to consider. Let’s face it. The striking similarities explain Jerry Springer, road construction delays, looting, reality TV, politics, and Miley Cyrus.

Source: David Swann