Wheel Tax: Yes, Bond Issue: Yes

Staff Photo by Jake Depew

Staff Photo by Jake Depew

The Jefferson County Commission held their first voting meeting of 2015 on Tuesday, January 20th in the Historic Jefferson County Courthouse.

County Commission Chairman Carmichael called the meeting to order. Absent from Roll Call was Commissioner Eslinger. Minutes were Approved with a Motion from Commissioner Scarlett and 2nd from Commissioner Tim Seals. One citizen addressed the County Commission regarding County debt and paying on principal for any future bond issuance. With a Motion from Commissioner Musick and 2nd from Commissioner McGraw the Notaries and Bonds were Approved.

Under Reports from Elected Officials, Jefferson County Mayor Palmieri brought a resolution authorizing Jefferson County to make a 2015 Community Development Block Grant Application ( resolution 2015-02), which was Approved with a Motion from Commissioner Tucker and 2nd from McGraw. Upon a Motion from Commissioner Kesterson and 2nd from Commissioner Tim Seals, the mayoral appointment of Wayne Roberts to the Public Record’s Commission was Approved. Mayor Palmieri also brought Jefferson County Nursing Home Director Minot before the Commission at their request. Highway Superintendent Tipton brought a request for approval of acceptance of County roads from road list and was approved with a Motion from Kesterson and 2nd from Tim Seals. Jefferson County Finance Director Potts brought items for surplus and disposal from the Finance Department, Sheriff’s Department and School System, which were taken as a unit and Approved with a Motion from Kesterson and 2nd from Solomon.

Director Potts presented the Commission with a recommendation concerning bonds for the renovation and repair of Building 8 and the County cash contribution to the renovation project at Jefferson County High School. The Director recommended the sale of bonds in the amount not to exceed $7,800,000 to cover $5 million dollar cash contribution to the renovation of Jefferson County High School ($1,010,000 from the school fund balance and the remaining funds to come from a split of funds on the County side) and $2,700,000 for Building 8 renovation and repair, including bond commission. Potts also recommended using the balloon option (option 2), which was the shorter term by 9 years and has less $1,430,746 in interest over the life of the bond (already approved by the State Comptroller’s office). Director Potts informed the Commission that funds are reaching critical load on both school and County side. He said that funds in the Capitol Outlay Note are almost gone, in answer to a question by Commissioner Scarlett. Director of Schools Edmonds stated that those monies were spent on road improvement, water lines and fees. Commissioner Scarlett made a Motion, seconded by Commissioner Blevins, to approve $6,790,000 in bonds for the County cash contribution to renovation of JCHS and Building 8 renovations and repair, as well as bone issuance. Scarlett amended his own motion to include that the money that is generally allocated to the schools for Capitol projects (historically around $500,000) be used to go toward the cost of the Building 8 debt. (School contribution of $1,010,000 was excluded from the motion and will still come from school fund balance). The Scarlett/Blevins Motion Passed 13-7 with Huffaker, Musick, Tabor, Turner, Solomon, Beeler and Sheets voting No.

Director of the Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce Helton addressed the Commission regarding the flow charter of the Chamber and EDOC. At the request of Commissioner Scarlett, Helton informed the Commission that the recent contract for printing was outside of Jefferson County, though the design company is located in Jefferson County. He said that he hopes to be able to reveal the investors in EDOC and their level of investment after meeting with the EDOC board next month.

Chairman of the Conservation Board Tucker requested that the Commission approve the transfer of property currently owned by the County IDB that has been determined to be unbuildable but could be developed for recreational use. The Chairman stated that there would be a small cost of around $3,000 that would pay for the transfer of the property. Commissioner Turner made a Motion to refer the issue to the budget committee for review and was 2nd by Commissioner Baxley. The Motion Passed 12-5.

Budget Committee Chairman Scarlett brought 10 budget amendments for approval by recommendation of the Committee. Budget amendments 2 and 4-10 were Approved and were from the County general fund, hospital fund and school system general, federal and food service funds. County General Fund 101 Amendment #4 was movement of funds for security at the Historic Jefferson County Courthouse for a portion of the fiscal year in the amount of $17,459 and was Approved 14-6 with Gaut, Blevins, Bales, Scarlett, Seals and Tucker voting No. County fund balance adjustment Hospital Fund 128 #1 (funds previously designated to pay part of the County cash contribution to the renovation of JCHS (these funds can be replace by previous resolution with bond monies) was Approved 17-3.

With a Motion from Commissioner Douglas and 2nd from Commissioner McGraw, the Commission Approved the appointment of Commissioners Gaut, David Seal and Carmichael to the Building Oversight Committee. Upon a Motion from Scarlett and 2nd from McGraw, the School Board will appoint two members to the Committee. This committee will hire an advisor to oversee the Building 8 process.

Following discussion and consulting with the County Attorney, there will be a footnote added to previous meeting minutes referencing the action taken at the January 20, 2015 meeting that supersedes previous resolutions and motions.

Commissioner David Seal made a Motion to increase the hours of the Commission Secretary to full time hours from 8-4, to b e adjusted by the Commission Chairman and not to exceed 40 hours per week, at a cost of $12,414. The Motion was 2nd by Turner and Passed 11-9 with Kesterson, Douglas, Gaut, Baxley, Musick, Solomon, Tucker, Beeler and Sheets voting No.

Commissioner Gaut made a Motion to double the Wheel Tax (funds to be used to off set a deficit in debt service) and was 2nd by Commissioner Tucker. The Motion was amended by Scarlett to include a sunset provision for 2024 and was 2nd by McGraw. The amendment was Approved 19-1 with Huffaker voting No. The Motion as amended was Approved 17-3 with Solomon, Bales and David Seal voting No.

The Adequate Facilities Tax will be on the agenda for the Budget Committee and will be an agenda item for the Work Session.

Source: K. Depew, News Director