One Penny Worth $114,300

The Jefferson County Budget Committee met on Monday, March 9, 2015 in the Historic Jefferson County Courthouse.

Committee Chair Scarlett called the meeting to order. All members were present for roll call.

With a Motion from Solomon and 2nd from Turner, the minutes from the January 12th meeting were Approved. Property Assessor Susan Gass informed the Committee that the worth of one penny would be $114,300. She also stated that number included the railroad property going greenbelt. Director of Jefferson County Finance Potts informed the Committee that most departments had not yet submitted their 2015-2016 budgets but several were expected to be in by the end of the week. An increase in the Debt Service of $900,000 plus $1.6 million used last year results in $2.5 million needed to fund the Debt Service. When added to $1.3 million from the general funds used to balance last year’s budget, the Committee will need around $3.8 million to before accounting for any increase in funds needed in the upcoming budget.

Director Potts presented several budget amendments including some general housekeeping on the County side, as well as money that will be moved to update the County Capital Projects budget to account for additional expenses in the 2014-2015 year, and added $784,900 with accommodates funds that were previously approved for projects but not properly denoted. It also included the release of $145,577 restricted for Hwy Land Purchase during a previous fiscal year but was paid out of other funds without releasing the restriction.

On the school side of the budget, Committee members approved general purpose and federal amendments,but removed a line item that dealt with moving funds from Guards to other contracted services ( $6,606). However, upon clarification the item will be able to be presented to the full body for approval.

With a Motion from David Seal and 2nd from Musick, the Committee Approved the schedule for the budget season and, by consent, deemed that departments that are not on time with budget requests will still be addressed at the scheduled time, with or without representation, in an effort to meet a June deadline. (Turner No)

Following a Failed Motion to postpone indefinitely the allocation of $3,000 for the Conservation Board’s purchase of a 17 acre tract of IDB land ( associated costs) by Turner and Solomon ( 8-2), a successful Motion was made by Tucker and 2nd by Blevins to appropriate the funds, leaving the source at the discretion of the Director of Finance ( 7-3 with Turner, Solomon and Musick No). The final item on the agenda, the Adequate Facilities Tax, was rolled to the next meeting in the interest of time.

Source: K. Depew, News Director