Palm Sunday Starts Holy Week

March 29, 2015 is Palm Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week preceding Easter. Signifying the arrival of Jesus Christ in Jerusalem and his reception by his followers, Palm Sunday is the final Sunday in lent and an important day for those that follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. Holy week is often celebrated by a number of religious service, each marking a day in the final week of the life of Jesus.

Holy Week services will be observed by the Dandridge Ministerial Association, who will host services at noon during the pre Easter week. The services will be at different host church locations through out the week and a lunch meal will be provided for a love donation of $5, which will go to the Dandridge Ministerial Association Scholarship Fund.

The noonday services will be as follows-

Monday-First United Methodist Church in Dandridge

Tuesday-First United Methodist Church in Dandridge

Wednesday-Hopewell Presbyterian Church Dandridge

Thursday-Dandridge Full Gospel Church

Friday-First Baptist Church in Dandridge

There will also be a Maundy Thursday service at 6:30 pm at the First Baptist Church in Dandridge. Dandridge Ministerial Holy Week services will be completed with Easter Sunrise Service at 7 am at Hillcrest Cemetery in Dandridge, though local churches will have independent Easter Sunday services.

Source: K. Depew, News Director