County Commission Voting Meeting

Citizen Russell Fox expresses concern.Staff Photo by Jake Depew

Citizen Russell Fox expresses concern.
Staff Photo by Jake Depew

The Jefferson County Commission held their Regular Voting Session on Monday, April 20, 2015 in the Historic Jefferson County Courthouse. The meeting was Called to Order by Commission Chairman Carmichael. Absent from Roll Call was Commissioner Solomon. Commissioner McGraw was called away during the course of the session.

With a Motion from Scarlett and 2nd from Musick, the Minutes were Approved. Three citizens addressed the Commission. Two had issues with the recent variance granted for a 180 foot signage at the 424 exit and potential annexation. One citizen addressed the Commission with favorable comments regarding Officer Solomon.

Two resolutions were presented by Commissioners for the sixth district Rob Blevins and Gene Eslinger. One resolution was for the late Martin Dail and the second was in honor of SRO Moose Solomon. The County Commission received an award from the Boys & Girls Club.

Upon a Motion from Scarlett and 2nd from Tim Seals the Notaries and Bonds were Approved. Jefferson County Mayor Palmieri brought a resolution for a Litter Grant and was Approved with a Motion from Turner and 2nd from McGraw. The Mayor also brought for confirmation appointments for the Solid Waste Regional Planning Board. Snodgrass, Howard and French were confirmed with a Motion from Tucker and 2nd from Blevins. Minutes from the June 17, 2013 meeting, which were amended in March, were Approved with a Motion from Scarlett and 2nd from Turner.

Jefferson County Finance Director Potts brought two resolutions for consideration. One was for a bond anticipation note extension of $201,700 and the other was for a Capital Outlay Note extension of $450,000. Both were Approved with Motions from Turner and Tim Seals and seconds from Kesterson and McGraw respectively. Commissioner David Seal addressed information presented by the Chamber of Commerce at a previous meeting regarding tourism. Seal stated that he has reservations regarding the numbers given to the Commission and is investigating the issue.

Under Reports from Committees, Audit Committee Chairman Jett informed the Commission that the Committee is pursuing two avenues to correct findings and possibly reduce the County obligation for closure and post closure costs. Conservation Board Chairman Tucker stated that the Board is moving forward with surveying land adjacent to the Jefferson County Health Department. Quality Control Oversight Committee Chairman David Seal introduced Adviser Mike Dockery. The Commission discussed the scope of reporting that is expected from Dockery.

Under Items for Information, County Attorney Drinnon informed the Commission that there are still questions regarding fleet vehicles and the wheel tax. He stated that he will consult with the Commissioner of Revenue to determine the stipulations, if any, for fleet vehicles. Commissioner Huffaker addressed the Commission regarding the sign variance given by the Jefferson County Board of Zoning Appeals. She outlined issues with the variance and requested that some effort be made to address the concerns of the citizens of the Oak Grove Community.

Under New Business, Budget Committee Chairman Scarlett brought several amendments by recommendation of the committee for approval. Commissioner Tim Seals made a Motion to take the County items as a group and was 2nd by Commissioner Tucker. The Motion was Approved by consent. County Budget Amendments for fund balance adjustments from general fund, sinking fund debt service for interest on Building 8, general fund housekeeping, hospital fund last payment on electricity for medical buildings that were recently sold, solid waste for diesel fuel and line item adjustments for the highway department were all approved. A request from the Libraries was removed and not presented to the full body for consideration. On the School Side, amendments for general purpose fund 141 included the transfer of funds to create a paper trail for funds designation by the school board as a contribution for the renovation of Jefferson County High School. Fund 141 A, B & C were Approved with Kesterson voting NO. Federal Budget Amendments D, E and F and General Fund 143 for Foods were also all Approved.

Commissioner David Seal made a Motion to Suspend the Rules and was 2nd by Commissioner Beeler ( passed 19-0) to address the issue of hiring an attorney for representation in regard to issues with the Comprehensive Growth Plans Resolution Process. With a Motion from Turner and 2nd from Beeler, the Commission Approved hiring attorney Evans at a cost of $120 per hour plus expenses not to exceed $5,000 and funding to come from the legal line. The Motion Passed with Kesterson abstaining.

A Motion to keep funds from the Hotel/Motel tax collection for fiscal year 2015/2016 in a special reserve account for distribution to the Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce and EDOC to be dispersed on a case by case basis, project by project basis or in a lump sum as tax collections permit provided guidelines are met was presented by David Seal. Guidelines include submitting a business plan to the Jefferson County Legislative Body describing allocation of funding and providing the Jefferson County Finance Director with appropriate data which can be used to for a return on investment statement for distributed funding. The Motion was 2nd by Commissioner Blevins and Passed 11-8 with Commissioners Huffaker, Kesterson, Gaut, Baxley, Tabor, Turner, Seals and Dockery voting No.

With a Motion from Commissioner Turner and 2nd from Commissioner Blevins the Commission Approved sending all public notices to the Jefferson County Post for publication ( free of charge) for the remainder of the 2014-2015 fiscal year and for the entire 2015-2016 fiscal year. With a Motion from Kesterson and 2nd from Tim Seals the Commission Approved the taking of a group photo before the next meeting.

Other information provided to the Commission included information from the schools on contract mowing and computers needed to perform tests mandated by the state.

Source: K. Depew, News Director