The Jetsons

We have come a long way in technology since I was a little girl. We, who have lived through the advancements stand amazed at how fast it seems to have taken the world. I remember studying computer programing in the 1980’s at the beginning of the home computer craze. Now, most homes have at least one computer on board. I could not live without my laptop computer. It is my tool for gaining knowledge about everything, and I love it. Now I must express the need to be selective in the sites visited for said knowledge. It seems there are many less than quality sites ready to give wrong and misleading information. This makes for some strange and false legends floating around in cyber Ville.

Recently, there was one posted on my timeline on Facebook about literally using fetus material in well-known products. I knew immediately it was a hoax, but it took some doing to convince the person who sent it to me to come to that conclusion. I finally looked it up on snopes and sent the link to the sender who was livid with anger at the prospect of such a cannibalistic thing. I sometimes wonder what value giving false information has for the giver. It is even more important now than ever to stop and think before believing what we hear or read.

And how about cell phones? I love them and wish they had been around when my kids were growing up. When I was a teenager, I’m sure my parents would have enjoyed them for me, as I was known to spend hours on the phone with friends and boyfriends, leaving little time for them to make calls. I will have to say, I was skeptical about texting at first. Now, I have embraced texting with open arms. I love the short time it takes to communicate where to meet for lunch. In a few short words to a few friends, lunch has been set and confirmed: easy for we retired ladies. This would have been a daunting task in earlier days. What more can I say? Technology is great… give me more! Do you think we will ever catch up with the Jetsons? I think I read somewhere about a car that hovered above ground. Who knows?

Source: K. P. Guessen