1st Day of New Wheel Tax

Wednesday, July 1, 2015 marked the first day of the new wheel tax in Jefferson County, which was increased from $25 to $50 during the recent budgeting process. Jefferson County Clerk, Frank Herndon, said Wednesday afternoon that the change had been largely well received and that most people were amicable regarding the increase.

Herndon stated that there was a rush to purchase wheel tax stickers on Monday and Tuesday, prior to the change. However, business was also heavy on Wednesday with people trying to beat the holiday. The Clerk’s office will be closed on Friday, July 3rd, as well as July 4th, in observance of Independence Day. Those that mailed in their renewal notices and were postmarked June 30, 2015 or before will still be allowed to renew at the previous rate. Renewals postmarked after June 30th will be at the the new rate, despite information on the renewal notice that denotes a total charge of $49. The State rate will remain $24 and will be added, as of July 1st, to the County wheel tax of $50 for a $74 total cost. July renewal notices do not, yet, reflect the change in amounts. However, the correct cost for renewal will be $74.

Jefferson County Clerk Herndon is hopeful that the correct amount of charge will be reflected on the August statement. Those that mailed in their renewals after June 30, 2015 but did not included the full amount $74 will be responsible for paying the difference in the amount sent and the full amount due. He thanked the public, in advance, for their patience during the updating of paperwork and apologized for any inconvenience that might occur during this period of change. Herndon said that the Jefferson County Clerk’s Office is available to answer any questions regarding correct renewal amounts and appreciates the gracious way that the public has generally dealt with the wheel tax increase.

Source: K. Depew, News Director