The 60’s

The 60s were wild and magical, with the baby boomers coming of age. For the first time, kids sought life instead of waiting for life to come to them. If you grew up in the 60s, you’ll remember these icons.This decade of youth challegened parents in a way never seen before. If the 60’s was your time, you will remember these icons.

-You watched Neal Armstrong land on the moon on TV.

-You loved James Bond.

-You put playing cards in your bicycle spokes and rode with no hands.

-You took film to the drug store to have pictures developed.

-You had a party line on your home phone.

-You lived through the Cuban Missile Crisis.

-You love Westerns, especially the one’s with Clint Eastwood.

-Batman was the super hero on TV, followed by the Green Hornet.

-You made decisions with a Magic 8 ball.

-Lucille Ball was your favorite actrice, and you tried to twitch your nose llike Elizabeth Montgomery in Bewitched.

-Computers were the size of a room.

-You wore go-go boots.

-You said “Cool man, far out.”

-Your listened to music on a transistor radio.

-You watched American Bandstand religiously.

-You watched Bonanza with Pa, Adam, Hoss and Little Joe.

-You snuck into a drive in movie.

-You witnessed the birth of color TV, and had no remote control.

-The Twilight Zone gave you nightmares and you watched Dragnet.

-Twiggy was the face of all things Mod.

-You called people on rotary phones.

-Sonny and Cher had each other.

-A can of Pepsi was 10 cents.

-You were on obsessed with Star Trek and all things Klingon, Creepy shows like The Addams Family and The Munster’s.

Source: K. P. Guessen