Grace Under Pressure

editorial-logo3It was an interesting evening for those in attendance at the budget committee meeting. And by interesting, I mean that it was compelling, sort of like watching a train wreck. You really want to look away but you just can’t. And then for days afterward, the carnage is all that you see when you close your eyes. Yes, it actually was that bad. Motion after motion after motion after motion failed. Not motions regarding the more than one million dollar increase in funding that came from the various Sheriff’s department categories. Not the hundreds of thousands in increases that was requested in the Emergency Management budget. Nope. The point of several hours of contention over several days of meetings was that of EDOC funding.

The organization requested $100,000 in increased funding from the Hotel/Motel Tax. Their Siamese twin, the Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce, requested $100,000 less in Hotel/ Motel Tax funding but they also requested any left over funds from that tax after the initial Chamber and EDOC pay out. EDOC representatives contend that they are separating from the Chamber. It would appear that EDOC is coming out much better in the divorce than the Chamber. $100,000 better to be exact. Interesting. Their division has been described as a three legged stool, with the Chamber, EDOC and the County Industrial Development Board each representing a leg. Each with its own identity and goals. What ii feels like is the break up of a high school couple just before Prom. One ends up going to the dance with the homecoming queen and the other goes with their cousin. And then there is the Industrial Development Board. Do you suppose that they even know that they are a leg of the stool?

Chamber funding passed easily. After all, they were requesting a cut. EDOC representatives plead their case for the increase. They said that they need it to hire a firm to identify retail matches and opportunities for Jefferson County. They said they need it for salaries. They said that they already paid a portion of the firm’s fee from this year’s budget and two salaries were also identified as a part of this year’s budget. Interestingly, only one of the positions was filled. Whatever. By this point it is no surprise to anyone that the workings of EDOC are as covert as the CIA. Personally, I hope that they bring in slews of retail business. Maybe this split will be a good thing for Jefferson County. Let’s face it. They need to try something because the current structure isn’t working.

What my gut tells me is that, despite what the Chamber and EDOC do in regard to bringing in business, their biggest impact may lie in the divide that their funding has caused in the County Commission. As I have often said, politics makes for strange bedfellows. I would have to guess that the budget committee is feeling a little battered and bruised after last week’s meeting. Anytime you swing and miss that many times you are going to end up stiff and sore. Now would be a great time for them to reflect on what went wrong and how to avoid taking that same path the next time they meet. Because, while fighting for a cause is a noble pursuit, fighting each other is counterproductive and embarrassing. Perhaps instead of right or fight we could all try to exercise a little grace under pressure. It would make a nice change.

Source: K. Depew, News Director