PUBLIC NOTICE – Jefferson County Commission Budget Committee Meeting, May 23, 2016 (Revised May 16, 2016)



MONDAY, MAY 23, 2016, 6:00 P.M.


Voting Members (10) Ex Officio/Non-Voting Members (2)

Commissioner John Neal Scarlett, Chairman Mayor Alan Palmieri

Commissioner Todd Kesterson, Vice-Chairman Finance Director Langdon Potts,

Commissioner Bob Beeler Secretary

Commissioner David Gaut

Commissioner David Seal

Commissioner Rita Musick

Commissioner Rob Blevins

Commissioner Robert Tucker

Commissioner Russell Turner

Commissioner Sammy Solomon

AGENDA (Revised May 16, 2016)

1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call

3. Approval of the Minutes (April 12, 2016 and April 19, 2016) (Handouts)

4. Appearance of Citizens

The Committee recognizes the importance of protecting the right of all citizens to express their opinions on the operation of County government and encourages citizen participation in the local government process. Citizens must follow Rule IX of the Jefferson County Commission Rules of Procedure (on the reverse of this form) to speak. The Committee will not take any action at this time other than to refer the item to County Commission, or another Board or Committee, or by a simple majority vote, place it on the agenda under “New Business”.

5. Chairman’s Comments

6. Finance Director’s Comments

Unfinished Business:

7. Second review of all County budgets, excluding schools (Handout)

New Business:

8. (Added) Resolution 2016-XX, Capital Outlay Note not to exceed $1M for renovation of White Pine Elementary School (Handout)

9. First review of Schools budget (Handout)

10. Discussion and action on County Budget Amendments (Handout)

11. Discussion and action on School Budget Amendments (Handout)

12. Other Business: Discussion and action on other business that may come before the Budget Committee

13. Next Budget Committee Meeting – Tuesday, May 31, 2016, 5:30 p.m., Jefferson County Courthouse, Main Courtroom

14. Adjourn

Jefferson County Commission Rules of Procedure

Rule IX – Citizen Input: Addressing the Committee or Board

A. Citizen Input. The Board recognizes the importance of protecting the right of all citizens to express their opinions on the operation of County government and encourages citizen participation in the local government process. The Board also recognizes the necessity for conducting orderly and efficient meetings in order to complete County business in a timely manner.

B. Citizen Input Form – Citizens wishing to make public comments to the Committee or Board at the prescribed time should complete a “Citizen Input Form” prior to the meeting “Call to Order” and present the form to the Chairman.

C. Time Allowed to Speak – Citizens speaking will be allowed up to three (3) minutes for their comments. The Chairman has the discretion to either extend or reduce time limits, based on the number of speakers and the will of the Committee or Board.

D. Addressing the Committee or Board – When a person’s name is called, the person shall step to the speaker’s floor lectern and shall give the following information in an audible tone of voice for the minutes provided:

a. Name

b. Place of Residence or Business address

c. Make note if they speak as an individual, for a group, or represent a third party

E. All remarks shall be addressed to the Committee or Board as a body and not to any individual member thereof.

F. No person, other than a member of the Committee or Board, and the person having the floor, may be permitted to enter into discussion without permission of the Chairman.

G. Speakers should make their comments concise and to the point, and present any data or evidence they wish the Committee or Board to consider. No person may speak more than once on the same subject unless granted permission by the Chairman.

05/11/2016 – 05/23/2016