Something Smells in Here

editorial-logo3The start of Summer 2016 is upon us and it is a welcome sight for many. School is out but it appears that the teachers did not let the monkeys out, as the well know chant from childhood goes. Nope the monkeys and the clowns never seem to take a day off. It always seems that there is a surprise waiting at the end of every school year, at the change of every season, and it is rarely the good type of surprise. It is more like the I found a vitamin at the bottom of the Cracker Jack Box kind of surprise. This year the award for the most surprised should go to the technology department and computer lab facilitators for the Department of Education. Imagine their surprise when their parting gift for the summer was a pink slip, fourteen pink slips to be exact. Now, I certainly understand the need for the Department of Education to straighten its technology department and times and needs do change. But, how does a department get so out of wack that it takes more than a dozen pink slips to set it straight.

Truth be told, there were some contractual issues with the technology department- with the major one being the need for most of the department to work during the months that students and teachers are off to get things done. If current contracts are extended, it will cost more money and Jefferson County already pays on the top end for those positions so there is no wiggle room. But, it is my understanding from a bundle of emails and phone calls that these people were blindsided last week when they were let go. Now, to be fair to the DOE, they can reapply and they may be rehired. It just seems like this was an extreme way to handle a situation.

When will we learn to treat people with respect in this County. We have a law suit that was in court last week that is, at its core, about respect. Handing out pink slips to a shocked group of professionals that thought they were going to a “have a nice summer” meeting and instead found themselves in a “have a nice life” meeting is not the definition of respect. Whatever the reason for the reorganization of the department, there should have been a little notice to those whose incomes were decimated by the act.

And then let’s talk about lights at Jefferson County High School Football Field. Why is there no money in the athletic fund to pay for the light upgrades that the DOE contends are needed? Though there are internal school audits they reveal nothing about how the money that is brought in from games, etc is actually used and it appears that there is no money for much of anything. In the 1980s the athletic fund had a significant balance and could have easily funded new lights if they were needed. I just wonder where that money went and what is funneling the account dry now?

Sometimes it is not what is done that has the most impact, it is how it is done. And then sometimes both smell like a monkey cage. I understand the need for adjustments and change. But, this stinks in more ways than one. Maybe we need to spend more time shedding light on the real issues. Just an idea.

Source: K. Depew, News Director