The Buzzz!!

the buzzz small featuredThe buzz word this week is “unemployed.” The budgeting hive met last week and it was an uneventful end to the pollination process but Buzzy Bees in the Know are buzzing that the real action this week flew just under the radar and caught more than a dozen unaware. The low humm is that all may not bee equal and that pollination may bee the talking point but the numbers don’t add up. The low, low humm is that at least some of the swarm are getting an earful and the nest of nasty just seems to keep on growing.

And in other buzzz, look for some big questions when the budgeting hive returns to the nest as they try and shed light on a sticky situation. The buzz says that two dips to the honey jar may have been an outside run but antennas are wagging about just who know what about anything. One signature short of a deal may bee putting the sting on the Pines but it looks like #2 is waiting in the wings. Buzzzz.