Christmas is here… now what?

Sometimes Christmas gets such a big hype, it becomes impossible to live up to the expectation. After all, the media has been telling us what Christmas should be. Your child has been inundated by commercials trying to sell their goods. Most children want what they see and believe Santa has unlimited resources. On Christmas morning spirits are high as each child heads for the tree to see what bounties have been left by the “Jolly Ole Man”.

This is the climax of months of hype. And Santa usually leaves enough toys under the tree to temporarily appease the child. But, what if that one really special toy is not there? Sometimes children become so involved in media hype, they do not adequately express the desire for this one special toy, but expects it to be under the tree on Christmas morning. The tears and disappointment are real and can put a damper on an otherwise great day.

Unfortunately, most children rely on Santa for their holiday happiness, instead of family traditions, such as caroling, chopping down the tree and decorating it with homemade trimmings, making cookies and/or ginger bread men, and many other family traditions. Family traditions do not disappoint, they delight. Our world moves so fast, we just do not have time to form these family traditions any more.

Teach your child the art of giving and see the expression of pride and joy on little faces as they watch an elderly nursing home patient become thrilled with the lotion they just unwrapped. Help your child make homemade gifts for family and friends. If family traditions are in place for Christmas, the disappointment of not getting exactly what was wanted will fade away, replaced by delight for the Christmas season.

Have a merry Christmas… Stay safe… and don’t forget to instill in your child the “reason for the season”.

Source: Linda G. Swann, M.S. Early Childhood / SPED