The Buzzz!!

the buzzz small featuredThe buzz word this week is “puzzling.” The DOE hive met this week and antennas are wagging at what wasn’t. Buzzy Bees in the Know are buzzing that those in the know aren’t telling, setting up a waspish situation for the near future. The low humm is that enough is enough unless you are buzzing about pollination and then it is not near enough. The low, low humm is that the deep bottom line may bee coupled with a grander plan than any of the drones have imagined.

And in other buzz, two full dips in the honey jar may bee more than the swarm is willing to go and the buzz says that it is more walking the dog than some I the hive want to admit. As the days grow shorter and cooler, look for things to heat up on both sides of the coin. With all the drones lining up for a dip in the honey pot, the squeeze may come earlier than anyone is ready for. Buzzzz.