The Buzzz!!

the buzzz small featuredThe buzz word this week was “awkward.” While the budgeting swarm will soon fly back to the hive it could bee a long winter for some drones. Buzzy Bees in the Know are buzzing that one in the hierarchy has antennas wagging about flying under the radar. The low humm is that it may bee a bluff but it has some in the swarm wondering if all talk and no sting could bee making a sticky situation stickier. The low, low humm is that outliers and high fliers are generally bad for business.

And in other buzzz, look for an old issue to bee on the forefront as the pollination proclamation begins. The buzz says that coming to the table could bee problematic for at least one hive as questions about the do’s and don’ts put the spotlight on what does and does not make the honey do list. Buzzzz.