The Buzzz!!

the buzzz small featuredThe buzz word this week is “why.” The DOE hive called a meeting this week and Buzzy Bees in the Know are buzzing that there are agendas and there are agendas. The low humm is that some in the hive are looking to circumvent the swarm and are looking for a legal eagle that will bee willing to put it on paper. The low, low humm is that hierarchy still reigns and stirring the hornets nest could bee problematic for those that will soon bee seeking pollination favor.

And in other buzzz, it could bee another thin year for those looking for another dip into the honey jar. The buzz says that the swarm may bee keeping it close to home again this year. Questions are flying about the price to see the action but it may bee some expected facts and figures that shine a bright light on just where and who get the inner hive pollination and whose honey pot gets robbed in the process. Buzzzz.