UT Extension will be offering a Walk with Ease Program at the New Market Senior Center

What is the Walk with Ease Program?  The Arthritis Foundation Walk with Ease Program is a community-based physical activity and self-management education program. UT Extension sponsors the Walk with Ease program. The program is open to all adults that want to improve their overall health.   The program will be at the New Market Senior Center starting April 5 at 10:00. The program will be every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. While walking is the central activity, Walk with Ease is a multi-component program that also includes health education, stretching and strengthening exercises, and motivational strategies. Group sessions include socialization time, pre-walk informational lecturettes, warm up and cool downs and a 10-35 minute walking period.  You may register for the class by calling UT Extension 397-2969 (Sarah Vaden) or email svaden@utk.edu.