Girl Scout Cookie Time!

It is one of my favorite times of the year… Girl Scout Cookie Time! When my daughter was younger we would spend hours on the phone selling box after box of thin mints and such. I even did a stint as the neighborhood cookie chairman. Meaning, the cookies lined my basement from floor to ceiling for weeks and my daughter and I ended up selling what was left over. It was an interesting time in my life and truth be told, I didn’t really mind all the work. It gave me great memories with my daughter and other girls in the community that still make me smile. I must admit, however, that I have never looked at a Girl Scout Cookie quite the same way. So, when the local girl scouts ask you to buy a box of cookies this year, remember that the purchase supports an organization that builds and encourages good character in our young people. And when the Mom beside her asks if you wouldn’t like to buy two boxes, know that her basement is probably full of cookies. Have a thin mint and smile knowing that you just made a contribution to a worthy organization and helped someone’s Mother to be able to see her basement floor again. Both worthy of a pat on the back and congratulations for your good deed of the day. Treat yourself…have another cookie!

Source: K.P. Guessen