The Buzzz!!

the buzzz small featuredThe buzz word this week is “pondering.” The search is on for the King of the DOE hive, and Buzzy Bees in the Know are buzzing that it is absence from the mix that may bee the most puzzling. The low humm is that one drone is taking a pass, but it has antennas wagging in some interesting corners. The low, low humm is that some are wondering if slight of hand is preceding the sneaky sting.

And, in other buzzz, the field may bee narrowing for another position at the head of the hive. The buzz says that the drones are dropping like flies and it could bee that an easy spring is on tap for those that belly up. Now that November has come calling, the petitions should bee circulating like a yellow jacket at a picnic, and some may bee just as welcome. Buzzzz.