The Buzz!!

the buzzz small featuredThe buzz word this week is nine. The head governmental hive met this week and Buzzy Bees in the Know are buzzing about what keeps coming round and round and round. The low humm is that some of the swarm are looking to the gavel to end the nest of nasty for good. The low, low humm is that more than one drone is watching to see if anything takes flight from the floor and to launch questions of their own.

And in other buzz, the education hive is gearing up to crown another King Bee and the buzz says that a flash from the past has some wagging their antennas but it is the numbers that don’t really fly when under a microscope. The some members of the historic hive and the swarm have been heating things up but in the end the sticky situation was averted for another day. Buzzzz

Source: K. Depew, News Director