It’s Time for Spring Cleaning!

The sun is out, the birds are singing, and warmer weather is (possibly) here to stay. That can only mean one thing: it’s time to spring clean! While there are a select few of the population (the rest of us will gladly let you do the work for us) that like to clean, spring cleaning doesn’t have to be an impossible chore. Follow these tips and tricks to get the most out of your spring cleaning this season.

First thing’s first, start with a schedule. Scope out certain areas around your home and look to see which locations might need the most work. Some might have been overlooked or skipped. Once you know where the problems are, make a plan. Having a plan for each room will keep you on track and more accountable to yourself.

Experts recommend having a varied arsenal at your disposal, such as: a vacuum, steam cleaner/mop, dusting materials, paper towels, a broom, boxes, and a new filter for the furnace. A tip that experts want you to know is that it is smart to start cleaning from the top down. This way, materials from one area of cleaning will not dirty up locations that you clean later.

Decluttering is a huge step in spring cleaning. It is easy to live by this simple rule when decluttering: if you haven’t used it in the past six months, then you should consider throwing or giving it away. Obviously, seasonal clothes and sentimental items are not an option when decluttering; however, when you find some items, separate them out in three piles, “keep,” “donate,” or “throw away.” Clearly label the bins to avoid something mistakenly being given away.

Also, while you are dealing with closets and bedrooms, it is a good idea to change from your winter to spring linens and sheets on beds. Wash the winter ones before storing them away for later use.

In the kitchen, get rid of outdated spices and food. Be sure to go through the entire fridge and freezer while doing this. You never know what kind of unpleasant surprises might be waiting for you inside. If something is out of date, throw it away and replace it as needed. Going through food also reduces the possibility of foodborne illnesses. Another important reminder is that things in your freezer that are vacuum sealed are only supposed to last up to a year. Take this into consideration as you are cleaning.

When spring cleaning in the bathroom, there are several things to keep in mind. Throw away any expired cosmetics, steam clean mirrors, scrub showers, countertops, and sinks. It is also a good idea to change and replace your shower curtain. Experts recommend cleaning in and around and behind toilets and to unclog all bathroom drains.

Another overlooked aspect of spring cleaning is replacing the furnace, HVAC filters. Dust can build in parts of the filters over the winter, making it harder for clean air to filter throughout your home. By replacing these filters you have now made an important and inexpensive choice to breathe clean and healthy air.

These tips are a starting point for spring cleaning around your home. Each family and home is different, so adapt to what works best for you and your own physical abilities. Happy cleaning, and here’s hoping spring has finally arrived.

Source: Elizabeth Lane, Jefferson County Post Staff Writer