The Buzzz!!

the buzzz small featuredThe buzz word this week is appalling. It was a flash from the past this week as Buzzy Bees in the Know buzzed about a draining situation. The low humm is that while one area overflows the other waits for pollination that the low, low humm says went dry and may not be on any wanna bees agenda.

And in other buzz, while most are preparing to add honey to the jar, the buzz says that some in one city hive are looking to take flight rather than add to the pollination. While the city hive struggles to spread the honey thin enough to keep the lights on, a hand full of drones are wanting to take a pass and one multi seater is willing to lower the sting to keep the peace. Look for antennas to wag from the state hive if the action actually gets off the ground and the trio take flight. Buzzzz