Welcome To Summer 2020

Today marks the day of the summer solstice. After a long, seemingly never-ending quarantine, the first day of summer comes as a breath of fresh air. 
The June solstice occurs at 9:44 p.m., when the sun reaches its highest point in the sky. The day of the solstice in the northern hemisphere is both the longest day and shortest night of the year, allowing more time for daylight-fueled fun. Following the solstice, days become shorter and nights become longer as December approaches.

All around the globe, there are sites that honor the solstice. In Stonehenge, England, during the summer solstice, the sun aligns with the Heel Stone of the monument, channeling rays of sunlight into the center of the structure. In Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, there is a petroglyph named the Sun Dagger, referencing the way the sun strikes it during the summer and winter solstices. In the Ring of Brodgar, Scotland, pagans celebrate around a Neolithic ring of stones known as the Ring of Brodgar, or the Temple of the Sun, where the sunset and sunrise on the solstice align with the stones.
Spend this joyous day of summer celebration and world-renowned worship out and about and shake off that post-quarantine gloom!

Source: Sophie Swann, Jefferson County Post Staff Writer