Origins of Christmas In July

Do you ever wonder why we celebrate Christmas in July? Is it just the result of capitalism pushing the Christmas market to its very most extreme? Well, that probably helped make it more widespread, but the true origins of Christmas in July hit much closer to home.

According to popular Christmas sites, women’s magazines, and even some of our local Christmas stores, Christmas in July began 84 years ago at the Keystone girls’ camp in Brevard, North Carolina. What has now become a cultural staple began as a fun activity to pass the time at a summer camp in 1933. The girls at Keystone had a Christmas tree and presents that they used to celebrate Christmas. Even the current director of Keystone Camp expressed in interviews that she believed it was not unique to Keystone, thinking that it was something other camps were very inclined to do.

Now, Christmas in July has developed into a whole other holiday in itself. To think, it all began at a girls’ summer camp!

Source: Sophie Swann, Jefferson County Post Staff Writer