Jefferson County Commission Meeting March 18, 2013

Commissioner Rita Musick Receives Resolution Honoring The Late Commissioner Tommy Musick For Dedication And Service

Melissa Legraf, addressing the commission in Monday night's meeting - Staff Photo by Jeff Depew

Melissa Rector LaGraff, M.S. County Director Family & Consumer Sciences Agent Jefferson County University of Tennessee Extension addressing the commission in Monday night’s meeting – Staff Photo by Jeff Depew

The Jefferson County Commission met in their Regular Voting Session on Monday, March 18, 2013 in the Historic Jefferson County Courthouse.  The Meeting was Called to Order by Commission Chairman Mills. Absent from Roll Call were Commissioners Solomon, Akard, Blevins and Tabor.

The Commission honored the late Commisisoner Tommy Musick for dedication and service to the community while on the County Commission with a resolution presented to his wife and now Commissioner Rita Musick.

Upon a Motion from Commissioner Scarlett and 2nd from Commissioner Carmichael the Commission Approved the Minutes (with the caveat that the portables were not all replaced with School System owned portables).

13 citizens appeared before the Commission in opposition to the proposed Megasite. 9 property owners representing 1247 acres identified themselves individually to the Commission and informed them of the amount of acres owned and of their intent to retain their property. Three property owners stated their intent to retain their property but did not identify the amount of acreage owned and one citizen outside the footprint stated concerns regarding unanswered questions about the megasite.

Upon a Motion from Scarlett and 2nd from Commissioner Estes the Commission Approved the Notaries and Bonds.

Jefferson County Mayor Palmieri informed the Commission that Approval was needed for the Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for Fire Protection Services between the Town of Dandridge and Jefferson County. Commissioner Tucker made a Motion to Approve and was 2nd by Commissioner Maples-Passed.

Director of Business Affairs and Transportation for the Jefferson County School System Phagan was in attendance for Director of Schools Edmonds, who was absent due to a previous meeting. Commissioner Scarlett requested information regarding the amount of projected savings from return of rental portables and the actual savings in regard to off setting operational cost associated with Mt. Horeb Elementary School. The information will be brought back to the Commission by Phagan and the Department of Education.

Budget Committee Chairman Griffith stated that the Committee was informed that 1cent would be representative $116,500. Chairman Griffith stated that the Committee will consider video taping meeting for reference.

Jefferson County Facilities Director Longmire stated that the Office of Ageing has relocated to the ground floor of the Jefferson County Health Department and that the Tennessee Highway Patrol is in the process of moving into the remainder of the space vacated by Emergency Services. The THP is leasing the space from the County.

Upon a Motion by Scarlett and 2nd from Carmichael, the Commission Approved the recommendation of Dandridge Planning Commission to rezone the Clabo property on Hwy 25-70 in Dandridge from A-1 to C-2.

Budget Committee Chairman Griffith brought recommendations from the Committee for Approval of the Full Body. School General Purpose Fund Budget Amendment #5, which included $100,000 from the School System Fund Balance for gas and diesel, was Approved 12-5 with Kesterson, Carmichael, Tucker, Dockery and Scarlett voting No.

School General Purpose Budget Amendment #6 was approved with an amendment from Commissioner Musick and 2nd from Commissioner Scarlett to remove an item which requests White Pine School to reimburse the School Board ($10,000) for a portion of a legal settlement for copiers. School Federal Budget Amendment #6 was Approved and County General Fund Budget Amendment #5 was Approved. Neither impacted fund balance. School System General Purpose Fund Amendment #7, which included a School System fund balance impact of $148,500 for new buses and $110,000 for used bus reserve account, was Approved. County General Fund Amendment 5A for a line item transfer was Approved.

Finance Committee Chairman Cureton brought a recommendation for a Financial Advisory Agreement between Jefferson County and Cumberland Securities Company, Inc for Approval of the Full Body. Jefferson County Mayor Palmieri opposed the recommendation and requested that the position of Mayor of Jefferson County be included in the language of the agreement, stating that signature for bonds and other legal documents is required of the Mayor and the Mayor should be acknowledged in the agreement. The original agreement submitted included the Mayor but did not include the Jefferson County Finance Director. The revised version included the Jefferson County Finance Director but excluded the Mayor of Jefferson County. Commissioner Griffith offered an amendment that included the Jefferson County Mayor in some wording and struck other sections of the agreement- 2nd by Estes. Mayor Palmieri stated that the amendment only partially addressed the issue. Commissioner Tucker requested acceptance by consent to readmit the Jefferson County Mayor into the agreement in the same manner that it appeared in the original agreement that was drawn up. The consent request was denied by Commissioner Griffith. Finance Chairman Cureton made a Motion to return the document to Committee for revision and the Motion was Approved.

Commissioner Griffith made a Motion to allow minor amendments that are non fund balance impacting and represent 5% or less of the division or sub division of the department budget, are transfers between the smallest divisionary lines, approved by the Department Head and are not related to salary or benefits to by the Budget Committee without approval of the Full Body. 2nd Estes-Motion Failed.

Jefferson County Finance Director Helton stated that the Commission needs to establish parameter for full time employment, as none currently exist. Commissioner Scarlett, with a 2nd from Commissioner Carmichael, presented a Motion to send the issue of the cost of a full time Commission Secretary minus benefits (currently part time and split between two offices) to the Budget Committee for a recommendation. Motion was Approved. Commissioner Scarlett made a Motion to refer the issue of parameters of Full Time employment to the Jefferson County Mayor’s Office for recommendation. Scarlett’s Motion was Approved.

In response for information at a prior meeting, Director Helton stated that he has confirmation from the Contract Manager of Mount Horeb School that no inferior block was used. Commissioner Scarlett requested further information on the issue due to statements made in previous County Commission Meetings.

Commissioner Turner stated that he was not informed of the past two Nominating Committee Meetings. Nominating Committee Chairman stated that he had informed members of the Committee about the date and time of meetings and said that other Committees, like the Finance Committee, meet during the day. Chairman Tucker stated that he did inform the Committee regarding meeting dates and times but did not confer with every member of the Committee before setting the date and time of the meetings. Turner stated that he was not informed of the meetings.  Chairman Tucker stated that he had informed the Committee Members. The Meeting Adjourned.

Source: K. Depew, News Director