The Strangest Noise

I heard the strangest noise last night and my husband swears that it was a coyote. We live in the city and I have never heard anything like this before. Is it possible that it actually was a coyote or should I be looking for another source for the loud sound? It sounded like a mixture of extremely loud yelping combined with a more guttural sound.

Jefferson County is considered a rural county and there are various forms of wildlife in the area. Coyote sightings are fairly common, even inside the city limits, depending on where you live. Wildlife tends to follow patterns and, if you see deer in the area of your home, coyotes are probably not far behind. There are several different sounds that have been identified as coming from coyote in the area. They communicate to each other through chants, howls, growls, yips and yowls. Some of these noises can sound almost other worldly and can be quite alarming in the dark of the night. Not having actually heard the sound, it is difficult to determine if it was a coyote or not, however they are abundant in the area. Another source of the sound might be an owl or other bird. If you are concerned, contact your local Tennessee Wildlife Agent for more information. They are a good source for many questions regarding native wildlife.

Source: K. Depew, News Director