She Deserves A Little Back

jcp-reallyI’d like to take a different turn this time around and strike a more serious note.  Yes, I am capable of being serious.  While it’s true that I can inject the mental image of a goat into any situation, it is not the sum total of my existence.  For instance, if you ask me, “What time is it?” I may tell you Hammer Time, but I’m also thinking that time is not constant and could arguably be a human construct created to enable a linear understanding of a multiverse existence.  Of course, my thoughts about a multiverse and time will lead to the inevitable conclusion that in some alternate reality, the person asking me the question is actually a goat with a pocket watch and must be prone by nature to redundancy or trivial conversation since they already know what time it is because they have a pocket watch (it is illogical to conclude a goat who can’t tell time would feel the need to carry a pocket watch since pocket watches are not particularly impressive).  Despite the circular nature of my peculiarity, you can see there is a moment of serious embedded within that cycle, and I shall now indulge that seriousness.

Thank you, Mom.  You are a light when the world grows dark.  You were my first teacher and the truth you imparted is like the roots which ground the oak tree and the wind which lifts the soaring eagle.  You nurtured and instructed and corrected and encouraged.  You said, “Yes,” and you said, “No,” and you knew just when to say each.  Your hugs were magic, and when you said, “It’s okay,” then it was okay.  You sat through every game, concert, and event, no matter how boring, with a proud smile, and I looked for it because it comforted me and told me ‘I could’ whenever I began to doubt ‘I could’.  A mother is special.  My mother is special, and she deserves more than one day a year.  Tell your mom you love her again today, just because you can.  The love of a mother is unconditional and boundless.  She deserves a little back, every single day.


Source: David Swann