Mosquito Season

I have heard that this is going to be a really bad mosquito season and I have already found a few in our house. What is the best mosquito repellant for me and my husband, as well as my children?

There are several fairly reliable mosquito repellants on the market but not all are appropriate for every member of your family. According to consumer reports, the top four mosquito repellants contained deet in varying levels and all scored a 98 out of 100 points. Off Deep Woods Sportsman II, Cutter Backwoods Unscented, Off FamilyCare Smooth and Dry and 3M Ultrathon Insect Repellant 8  all scored equally, though other factor such as scent and quick drying could make one product preferable over another. The American Academy of Pediatrics states that parents should read the recommendations on the product before using on children. The Food and Drug Administration require that product safety guidelines be on the product. Any questions about safety of a product for a child should be addressed to your local pharmacist or physician.

Source: K. Depew, News Director