USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) County Executive Director James Giffin announced that the 2012 FSA county committee election will begin on Monday, November 5. The deadline to return the ballots to the Jefferson/Sevier/Cocke County FSA office is December 3, 2012. County committee members are an important component of the operations of FSA and provide a […]
Jefferson County early voting polls have closed for the November 6, 2012 election cycle and the numbers for early voting in the County are strong. Beyond the neck and neck Presidential contest, there are also two open seats on the Jefferson County Commission that are highly contested in Districts 7 and 3. The field is […]
County Attorney To Lead Investigation of “Doggy-Gate”

The Jefferson County Mayor’s Office received an inquiry letter and demand for investigation from Tennessee Occupational Health and Safety Administration (TOSHA) in regard to a recent issue that has garnered attention in both the community and at County governmental meetings. The letter, dated October 25, 2012, informed Director of Facilities for Jefferson County David Longmire […]
Town of Dandridge Regional Planning Commission Regular Meeting
New Business 1. 2 lots or less subdivision 902 Oak Village Court, Milldale Square, Michael Horne. Action approved by Commission. 6. Change Meeting Date For November and December. Due to Thanksgiving and Christmas the next meeting will be November 29, 2012 at 7:00 pm. There will be no meeting in December 2012. Miscellaneous Business Received […]
Feel Your Best for the Upcoming Holiday Season!
Beginning November 5th, “Living Well with Chronic Conditions” will be offered FREE as a 6 session series. This program will offer tips and skills to help individuals manage problems common to chronic health conditions as well as skills to work effectively with health care professionals. The program also helps individuals take day-to-day responsibility for the […]
Jefferson County School Board
The Jefferson County School Board held a Called Meeting on Thursday, October 25, 2012 in the Media Center of Jefferson County High School. The Meeting was Called to Order by Acting Chairman Jarnigan. Absent from Roll Call were Board Members Potts and Cavanah. Upon a Motion from Vines and 2nd from Rogers the Agenda was […]
Unemployment Rates in Jefferson County Show Significant Decrease for September, 2012

Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development has released unemployment numbers for September and Jefferson County posted a significant decrease in unemployment. In August, Jefferson County was one of two counties that saw an increase in unemployment, posting a 10.7% rate. In the month of September 2012, Jefferson County had an unemployment rate of 8.8% […]
Traffic Light & Intersection gets nod from Budget Committee
The Jefferson County Full Commission will make a funding decision regarding the funding level of the turn lane improvements necessary for the traffic signal light project at the intersection of Dumplin Valley and Hwy 92. Tennessee Department of Transportation has provided funding for the signal light via a Safety Grant, however improvements to the turn […]