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Kudos! To School Board & County Commission

Kudos! To School Board & County Commission

The turkey leftovers are gone and Christmas lights have begun to make their appearance. Things are moving on and so goes the world, so also goes the local government. In an comprehensive move to address equity issues in the athletic programs at Jefferson County High School, the School Board recently allocated $2.4 million dollars for […]

A Little Worse For The Wear

A Little Worse For The Wear

It is an interesting proposition, watching election outcomes peppered with the seven thousand strong march of immigrants toward our border followed by celebrations for Veteran’s Day. In the mist of all of the red, white and blue and all of the commentary on what should and shouldn’t be it is a little hard to get […]

More Power To You!

More Power To You!

In this day and age when everything tends to irritate everyone it is easy to cast the first stone. Here we sit, a few short days from Halloween, and already that one neighbor is putting out the Christmas lights. Yes. Like many of you I remember the days when Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas were three […]

I Throw Like a Girl

I Throw Like a Girl

The following is a guest editorial by Angie Stanley, Jefferson County Post Sports. There has been a lot of shouting lately.  Shouting about equality for women seems to be the one that I have found continually making a resurgence on a consistent basis (maybe because I’m a woman, and Facebook seems to think that’s what […]

Raise Your Voice – VOTE!

Raise Your Voice – VOTE!

Another election cycle is beginning this week. I know, it feels like all we have done is vote for the last six months or so but that doesn’t make this election any less worthy of our time and consideration. On a National level, we will be determining who holds our Senate vote and just who […]

Appreciate The Humanity In Each Other

Appreciate The Humanity In Each Other

This week my political attention, like much of the Nation, has been turned to the Supreme Court mess that has been playing out in Washington and across this Country. As I watched, glued to the television, I often shifted hats, so to speak, viewing from the perspective of being a news person, a political junkie, […]

Remembering Where You Have Been

Remembering Where You Have Been

Sometimes you have to remember where you have been, regardless of how painful a picture the memory paints, to keep from making the same mistakes over and over again. We seem to have a problem with that in Jefferson County. In the haste to shove the bad decisions under the rug, we seem to shove […]

Familiar Scent In The Air

Familiar Scent In The Air

It was an interesting week. The newly minted County Commission, complete with nine new faces, took their seats at the round table and it didn’t take long for those of us in the cheap seats to realize that the same old same old is already creeping into room. The very first order of business for […]

Too Early To Slay Dragons

Too Early To Slay Dragons

A new cohort of the Jefferson County Commission and a newly appointed Jefferson County Mayor met on the County Commission floor Monday evening for the first Work Session since August elections placed nine new Commissions at the round table. Was it smooth? With no Chair in place and no opportunity to elect a Chair until […]

Workforce Development, Are We Up to the Task? – A Guest Editorial

Workforce Development, Are We Up to the Task? – A Guest Editorial

David Seal is a guest editorialist this week on The Post. David is a long time educator in Jefferson County, as well as a recognized artist and local businessman. He also serves Jefferson County as a County Commissioner and as a lobbyist for the people on issues such as eminent domain and broadband accessibility on […]

Editorial – Equal Equity In Sports

Editorial – Equal Equity In Sports

Does there come a time when a politician simply outstays their ability to grow and change? The answer to that question was abundantly clear at last week’s school board meeting. This was the first meeting under the direction of the new director of school, Dr. Shane Johnston, and I have to say that I really […]

New Faces, New Points Of View

New Faces, New Points Of View

It will be a new, and not so new, day in Jefferson County come the end of this month. We have a new Sheriff in town, literally, and a new Mayor and a new Director of Schools. In addition, we will have nine new faces on the Jefferson County Commission and one new face on […]

Take An Interest

Take An Interest

I like funny cat videos and I like sarcastic memes about television characters from the past and even about a certain politician’s hair. I laugh as much as the next person. But what I really like, what I really love is the freedom that I enjoy on a daily basis that allows me laugh at […]

True Worth

True Worth

Sometimes unexpected events show the true worth of people, not only as individuals but as local, state, national and world communities. That has been the case with the youth soccer team that has been stuck in a cave in Thailand for more than a couple of weeks. Specialists from many countries, including our own, have […]

The Die Is Cast

The Die Is Cast

So, the die is cast, so to speak, and the County budget has been laid to rest for the fiscal year 2018/19. The full body followed the budget committee and will use the hospital lease money to balance the budget. The arguments for and against both had merit. Hospital lease money has historically gone into […]

Practice What You Preach!

Practice What You Preach!

It is very easy to want things. For instance, I hear politician after politician rattle on about how we need to increase sales tax in Jefferson County. More business equals more revenue and that is the truth. Not only for sales tax but, as importantly, for livability we need more in Jefferson County. What really […]