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Jefferson County FFA FALL PLANT SALE

Jefferson County FFA FALL PLANT SALE

Jefferson County Schools Governor’s Pre-K Programs

Jefferson County Schools offers “free” preschool programs at all 8 elementary schools in the county. Our quality preschool program serves 20 children at each site and meets 5 days a week for 6 hours each day. Transportation will be provided by the parent. Student eligibility Criteria: Students must be four years of age by August […]

Jefferson County Schools Governor’s Pre-K Programs Now Enrolling

Jefferson County Schools offers “free” preschool programs at all 8 elementary schools in the county. Our quality preschool program serves 20 children at each site and meet 5 days a week for 5 ½ hours each day. Transportation will be provided by the parent. Student eligibility Criteria: Students must be four years of age by […]

Lakeside of the Smokies Balloon Fest Set to Take Place October 23 & 24, 2021

Lakeside of the Smokies Balloon Fest Set to Take Place October 23 & 24, 2021

October has arrived in East Tennessee and following close behind is the second annual Lakeside of the Smokies Hot Air Balloon Fest. Organizers and volunteers are excited to host the event once again after having to cancel due to the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020. “Event planning these last two years hasn’t been an easy job. […]

Rush Strong to Present WWII Veterans Plaque November 12

JCHS Band Holiday Bazaar November 3

On Saturday, November 3, 10am-4pm, the Jefferson County High School Band will host a Holiday Bazaar at the Jefferson County High School. Come shop for crafts, jewelry, gifts, and more from local vendors. Additionally, you can bid on silent auction items and enjoy tasty treats from the food trucks. To serve as a vendor or […]

White Pine School Open House August 28

White Pine School Open House August 28

White Pine School would like to invite the community to attend their Open House on Tuesday, August 28, 2018 from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.  There will be a celebration at 6:00 p.m. to dedicate the new wing of the school.  All are welcome to attend.

Jefferson County Band Fundraisers At Vol Car Wash and Zaxby’s

Vol Car Wash is currently partnering with the Jefferson County High School band. Now through August 31 a portion of the sales when you purchase the Manager’s Special will go toward the band. Your contribution will aid the cost of traveling to football games and competitions. Thank you Vol Car Wash Jefferson County Band would […]

Jefferson County Dining With Democrats

The Jefferson County Democratic Party invites all county Democrats to join us for our September First Friday Dining With Democrats Dutch-treat lunch. The lunch will be Friday, September 7, at 11:30 a.m. at Perkins Family Restaurant.  Reservations are helpful and can be made by e-mailing Edna Langley at gelangley@charter.net or by phoning 865-475-1197. Hope you will plan on joining us […]

JCHS Season Tickets and Parking Passes Available Starting 8/4

JCHS Season Tickets and Parking Passes Available Starting 8/4

JCHS Season Football Tickets and Parking Passes will be on sale starting Saturday (8/4/18) during the “Battle in Dumplin Valley”. Season Football Tickets will be $40 and Parking Passes will be $20. We will be selling season tickets and parking passes during the Battle in Dumplin Valley at JCHS from 10:00am-2:00pm, or at the varsity […]

Dandridge Police Offering RAD Classes in July

Dandridge Police Offering RAD Classes in July

Dandridge Police will be conducting a Rape Aggression Defense (RAD) class in July of 2018. This is a good opportunity to prepare young females for the college scene. All women should have some basic self defense skills. This class will be conducted at the Field of Dreams Athletics Center. All interested females should call the […]

JCHS Band Yard Sale June 23

The yard sale to benefit the Jefferson County High School band is going to be at the American Legion building in Jefferson City on Saturday June 23 from 9-2. The proceeds from the sale are going to go to helping with band camp, uniforms, and general band funds. All leftovers from the event are going […]

Fire Exercise at Jefferson Elementary

The Jefferson County School District and Jefferson County Emergency response agencies are conducting a full-scale, functional exercise at the Jefferson Elementary School on May 15, 2018. The drill will begin at approximately 8:30 AM and conclude by 12:00 PM. The drill will include realistic emergency responder response to a simulated emergency situation at the school […]

Jefferson County Retired Teachers Association to Meet June 9

All retired educators are invited to attend the next quarterly meeting of the Jefferson County Retired Teachers Association on Saturday, June 9, 2018. The meeting begins at 9:30 a.m. with brunch at Shoney’s Family Restaurant in Dandridge at the 417 exit. Our guest speaker will be Jean Ann Washam, director of Appalachian Outreach. Please bring […]

White Pine School Hosting Cinco de Mayo Festival

White Pine School will be hosting a Cinco de Mayo Festival!  The festival will be held on Saturday, May 5th from 11am-4pm at Kidz Kountry Park in White Pine. There will be music, dancers, crafts, games, and an exhibition soccer match.  There will also be a tamale and chili cook off and food truck vendors. The event is […]

Phillip Fulmer Guest Speaker at JCHS Football Sideline Club Spring Fundraiser Event

Phillip Fulmer Guest Speaker at JCHS Football Sideline Club Spring Fundraiser Event

The Jefferson County Sideline Club Presents: Phillip Fulmer University of Tennessee Athletic Director. Thursday, April 12, 2018 7:00 P.M. Jefferson County High School Tickets available at JCHS, any Sideline Club Member or Jefferson County Football Player. Silent Auction items available. Doors open at 5:45 P.M. for Meet & Greet Ticket Holders. Meet & Greet ticket availability […]

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