Jane Chambers Honored for Ten Years of Dedicated Service by President General Pamela Rouse Wright, NSDAR

At the December 14, 2024, Martha Dandridge Washington (MDW) Chapter, National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR) meeting, chapter member Jane Chambers was honored with a certificate from President General Pamela Rouse Wright, NSDAR, for ten years of dedicated service. Additionally, the Fisher House was recognized for its service to veterans and their families. […]
DAR Marian Anderson Legacy Scholarship Opening Soon for Applications

Undergraduate and graduate students studying music can apply for the DAR Marian Anderson Legacy Scholarship starting November 1. Sponsored by the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), the scholarship provides a one-time $5,000 award to one student annually who is pursuing undergraduate or graduate study in music. Marian Anderson (1897-1993) was a groundbreaking […]
It all started with “NO!” On April 30, 1890 – National Society Daughters of the American Revolution

It all started with “NO!” On April 30, 1890, in Louisville, Kentucky, the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) voted down allowing women to join their society. This exclusion initiated a movement resulting in a new women’s patriotic organization, the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR). Today, NSDAR has a membership of approximately […]
DAR’s mission – Historic preservation, education, and patriotism

Who are you going to call to support unique historic preservation, education, and patriotism projects and service opportunities in Jefferson and Grainger Counties? Do you like to wear red, white, and blue and wave flags? Are you interested in being a member of a dynamic service organization? If you answered yes to any of these […]
Renee Hamilton Presents “Stories We’ve Heard About Early America – Truth or Myth”

Renee Willingham Hamilton, State Registrar for the Tennessee Society Daughters of the American Revolution (TSDAR) entertained the members of the Martha Dandridge Washington Chapter (MDW), National Society, Daughters of the America Revolution (NSDAR), at their Eighth Anniversary in February by quizzing them on some commonly held “Stories We’ve Heard About Early America – Truth or […]
Child Soldiers of the Revolutionary War

Take a moment and think back to what you were doing at the age of 7 or 10. Were you playing fetch with your dog, batting baseballs with friends, working in your family garden, harvesting crops on your family farm, or riding your bicycle in a state of glorious innocent youth? Well, at the tender […]
Memorial Service for Unclaimed / Homeless Veterans

A large crowd of veterans, families of veterans, and supportive citizens were present to honor seven veterans at the Memorial Service for Unclaimed/Homeless Veterans on March 22 at the East Tennessee Veterans Cemetery, 2200 E. Governor John Sevier Hwy., Knoxville. Seven burial urns and seven tri-cornered folded flags of the United States graced a long […]
Dining in Early America

The preparation and consumption of meals in early America was quite different from what it is today. For one thing, all dishes were “made from scratch,” and cooking at the hearth was energy and time-consuming. Some of the foods, cookware, and serving ware would strike a 21st Century family as quite unusual. Diana West, DAR […]
Remembering Our Forgotten Patriots & 7th Anniversary

“Remembering Our Forgotten Patriots” was the program presented by State Corresponding Secretary and member of State Speakers Staff Holly Matthews, Tennessee Society, Daughters of the American Revolution (TSDAR), at the February 11 meeting of the Martha Dandridge Washington (MDW) Chapter, National Society, Daughters of the America Revolution (NSDAR). The program focused on Patriots of Black, […]
Martha Dandridge Washington Chapter (MDW), National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR), January Meeting

When the members of the Martha Dandridge Washington Chapter (MDW), National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR), arrived at their meeting on January 14, they were greeted with shiny, red apples on lacy, white doilies for each person. The meeting was to be a long one while the members completed the online questionnaires for […]
MDW Chapter NSDAR showered the Isaiah 117 House with gift cards and plush blankets to comfort the children

Michelle Bonville and Amy Orr, Part-time Program Coordinators for the Isaiah 117 House in Jefferson County, shared the Isaiah 117 story at the December meeting of the Martha Dandridge Washington Chapter (MDW), National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR). Bonville reiterated the purpose of the newly-constructed home in Jefferson County, noted on the website […]
Wreaths Across America, December 17, 2022

Giving the gift of remembrance! Each December, Wreaths Across America (WAA) coordinates wreath-laying ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery and at more than 3,400 other locations in all 50 U.S. states. Wreaths are also laid at sea and in foreign lands. According to its website www.wreathsacrossamerica.org, the non-profit organization has three paramount goals: to REMEMBER our […]
131st Continental Congress of the National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR)

After three years in an online format, the 131st Continental Congress of the National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR), met in person in DAR Constitution Hall, Washington, D.C., from June 29 through July 3. More than 4,000 women from 50 states, 12 overseas countries, and one US territory gathered to “Rise and Shine […]
Fashion after the Revolution

After the colonies made the break from Great Britain with the Revolutionary War, the new United States of America exerted its independence in several ways in addition to the choice of a federal republic form of government over a monarchy. Three of those ways were in language, beverage choice, and fashion. Noah Webster standardized new […]
“Thank You” for all that they do to protect our citizens and keep peace in our communities

What do George Washington, Billy Boy (aka Charming Billy), and the law enforcement departments of Jefferson and Grainger counties have in common? Cherries! The young George is supposed to have told the truth about chopping down his father’s cherry tree; Charming Billy’s adolescent fiancé used cherries to swiftly make pies; and the law enforcement departments […]
GSMCR Donates to Smoky Mountain Service Dogs

Smoky Mountain Service Dogs (SMSD) in Lenoir City received a donation of $250.00 from the Greater Smoky Mountain Council of Regents (GSMCR), National Society, of Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR) on November 18. SMSD Board Member Chuck Stewart and team member black Labrador Sadie accepted the check. Members present from the Spencer Clack Chapter, NSDAR, […]