9618 Residents Vote Early in Jefferson County
Jefferson County early voting polls have closed for the November 6, 2012 election cycle and the numbers for early voting in the County are strong. Beyond the neck and neck Presidential contest, there are also two open seats on the Jefferson County Commission that are highly contested in Districts 7 and 3. The field is deep in the District 7 race, with five candidates qualifying for the seat. Voting in the satellite office in New Market reflects the increased interest in this election cycle. Strong numbers in the New Market and White Pine satellite offices are in line with early voting numbers across the County. District 3, which is located in White Pine, has three candidates that have qualified for the open seat. 2081 Jefferson County residents have voted early in the two satellite offices. 9618 residents voted early in Jefferson County. This number reflects both satellite locations and absentee voting. Absentee votes are still trickling in, however the Jefferson County Election Office does not anticipate any significant increase in absentee numbers. As of Friday afternoon, 421 absentee votes had been received in the Jefferson County Election Office. Beyond the two contested County Commission seats, Jefferson City also has a contested race for City Council seats. Two seats are available and four candidates have qualified for the election. Dandridge, White Pine and New Market are all represented on the ballot, however there are no contested races for municipalities’ positions in these locations. State Representative positions in Districts 17 and 11 are contested, with Faison and Ramsey facing off in District 11 and Farmer and Dockery seeking the District 17 seat. County wide, Jefferson County is on target to have a large Election Day turn out. The General Election is on November 6, 2012 and it will decide the direction of the Nation and State, as well as impacting local government.