Being Cool, Staying Cool

Mountains Stream Keeping Cool feature 07082013

Chimney Picnic Area, Great Smoky Mountains National Park – Staff Photo by Jeff Depew

As the dog days of summer approach and some of the luster of the hot weather months diminishes, the quest to stay cool as the thermometer rises becomes a priority. The East Tennessee area is notorious for unpredictable weather, however July and August are notorious for hot, humid days and nights. If lounging in the pool all day just isn’t in the cards, there are still several ways to survive summer in relative comfort. Hydration is important for both heath and comfort. In the land of sweet tea it is unpopular to suggest drinking water, however consuming water wards off dehydration due to the heat and can help stabilize body temperature. It can also assists in warding off headaches that can come with exposure to the heat and humidity. Remember that it is important to drink plenty of water before feeling thirsty to have the best chance of beating dehydration. Sweating is the way that the body lowers its temperature and exercise enthusiasts do not have to give up their passion during the summer months but it is necessary to exercise smart. Do not exercise in the heat of the day and take plenty of breaks. Appropriate clothing and seeking shade are also important in safely exercising in the heat. Experts caution that athletes must know their limits and respect their body’s response to the heat and humidity. Athletes should know when to stop or move their exercise routine indoors.

For those that simply want to ward off the heat in their home, adding a ceiling fan is a good way to move the air and create a more comfortable room situation. Pass on cooking meals on especially warm days and, instead, have a sandwich or salad. The stove and dishwasher can raise the temperature in an already heated home, as can running the clothes dryer. If old fashioned line drying or hand washing dishes is out of the question, try to run appliances in the evening. Grazing instead of consuming large amounts of food can improve comfort during a heat wave, so try eating several small meals during the day. Keep the shower temperature warm, rather than hot or cold, to beat the heat and replace the regular pillow cases with satin pillow cases for a better nights sleep. Finally, if the warm days and nights are just simply too hot for comfort, try utilizing an old comfort tool. Fill a hot water bottle with cold water (even add a few chunks of ice) and place the bottle behind the knees or under the feet and remember that it is less than 80 days until the official start of fall 2013.

Source: K. Depew, News Director