Mayor Vetoes Budget

Budget Veto 07162013Jefferson County Mayor Palmieri announced today that he will veto the recently approved 2013-2014 fiscal year budget. The Jefferson County Commission approved the budget on July15, 2013, however failed to pass a tax levy. The proposed tax levy will increase property taxes in the County by 13 cents, and the budget calls for movement of pennies from debt service, as well as use of fund balance, to balance the budget. Palmieri has been open regarding his position on the 2013-2014 budget which, he feels, does not adequately address the financial issues that are facing Jefferson County. The Mayor informed the County Commission of his decision to veto following the budget vote on Monday evening and reiterated his position Tuesday. Palmieri said that it is irresponsible to approve a budget with no means of funding, which, he said, points to the lack of understanding that the Commission has for County’s fiscal health. The Mayor has expressed concerns that there is an inequitable process for dealing with departments and that some are taking the bulk of the funding hit, while others have significant increases in their budgets and have not attempted to make cuts. He stated that he is also concerned for the property tax payers that are left paying the tab for the entire County  and that the Commission owes tax payers their best effort to present a palatable budget and tax levy. The 2013-2014 budget will be returned to the County Commission for review. It is unclear, at this time, how the County Commission will deal with funding of the 2013-2014 budget or the process to put funding in place. The County will continue to operate under the current budget and tax levy until the issues are resolved.

Source: K. Depew, News Director