School Dress Code

I am very confused by the school dress code. I have two daughters that attend school in the County. One is in elementary school and the other is in middle school. I am finding it difficult to meet my middle school student’s dress code without buying all new summer clothes and that just isn’t in my budget. It is still too hot for fall clothes and apparently her shorts are not appropriate. Any suggestion on what I can do?

Typically, elementary schools are more lenient on school dress code than middle and high schools. In some schools, shorts must be fingertip length, however others require them to be at the knee. If you have already addressed the issue with the school principal and are still getting no relief, I would suggest that you take the issue up with the Central Office. Ultimately, it is the director of schools that is the decision maker, with the approval of the school board. If you feel that your child’s dress is appropriate and yet it does not meet dress code, show the outfit in question to the director of school. Only then will you have a definitive answer.

Source: K. Depew, News Director