36 Year Old Business Owner Enters 2nd District Congressional Race Against 26 Year Incumbent


Jason Zachary

Jason Zachary

Tennessee’s 2nd District congressional race is now a two-man contest. Knoxville native and local telecom executive Jason Zachary has announced he will challenge incumbent John J. Duncan, Jr., in the August 2014 Republican Primary.

Zachary said his decision to run for Congress was based on his growing concern about the future of the United States and what he sees as the inability of entrenched politicians to make the difficult choices necessary to save the nation from unsustainable spending.

“The career politicians in Washington, D.C. are the primary source of our country’s debt problem”, said Zachary. “You don’t rack up $17 trillion in debt without bipartisan votes, and Congressman Duncan’s record of numerous votes to increase the debt ceiling speaks for itself. It’s time for a new generation of conservative leadership to represent the people of the 2nd district.”

Zachary is currently the vice president of Americomm in Knoxville and has been a co-owner of the company for the past five years.  The 36 year-old businessman said he believes private sector leadership skills are exactly what are needed to correct the problems in the nation’s capital.

“So few of our elected officials in Washington have ever truly led or managed in the private sector,” Zachary said. “That leadership void has resulted in an ever-growing government and a national debt that is quickly spiraling out of control.”

Zachary said to restore economic growth in our country we must rein in the out of control spending. “Our national debt has increased over 60% in the past five years, which  any economist will tell you is unsustainable.” Zachary continues, “Our generation has become known as the “debt generation” thanks to the career politicians in DC who cannot seem to grasp the idea of balancing a budget, and who continues to raise the debt ceiling time and again. I’ll bring a business minded approach and 15 years of private sector experience that are necessary to ensure our children’s generation does not become known as the “bankruptcy generation.”

“The American people understand that individuals, families and businesses must live within their means or face ultimate financial ruin,” Zachary said. “Politicians in DC seem to think the government is exempt from this reality. We cannot keep sending the same career politicians to DC over and over again, expecting different results. Twenty-six years in DC is long enough for Congressman Duncan.”

Zachary describes himself as a Reagan conservative who believes in a foundation in God, limited government and economic freedom for businesses and individuals. He said his time as vice president of Americomm has provided him with a unique perspective on the effects an overreaching government can have on the private sector.

“Over the last 15 years I have learned that building and growing a business requires an incredible amount of hard work and sacrifice,” Zachary said. “I have also seen first-hand the tough choices business owners must make when faced with high taxes, increased regulatory burdens and rising health care costs.”

Zachary also said he will not be afraid to stand up for his convictions, especially when it comes to God and family.

“I believe if someone is called to run for office, they must be courageous enough to stand on principle,” Zachary said. “I am an unapologetic conservative, and I stand as a follower of Christ. I believe with all my heart that the family is the cornerstone of our nation, and we must work to strengthen traditional family values as they are essential to the future of our country.”

Zachary lives in Knoxville with his wife Holly and son Tyson. He serves on the board of the Western Heights Baptist Center and International Sports Consulting. He is also a member of First Baptist Concord in Knoxville where he is a deacon and stewardship committee member.