Asked and Answered: Holiday Decorating
I am trying to plan my holiday decorating and generally like to put our family tree up the weekend after Thanksgiving. We have a real tree every year and I am concerned that they will not be available the weekend after Thanksgiving because it falls so early this year. Do you have any idea when real trees will be available and where I can go to purchase one?
Thanksgiving does come early this year and that has thrown those that decorate the weekend after Thanksgiving into early decorating. Fortunately, for those that are in the market for a real Christmas tree, retailers in the area are ready to rise to the challenge. Christmas trees will arrive locally before Thanksgiving. According to associates in the lawn and garden section at Walmart, they are expecting trees before the turkey hits the table. Lowes outdoor garden has confirmed that real trees are slotted for delivery by mid November and should certainly be available before Thanksgiving. The arrival date at other independent retailers will vary and some will elect to have a delivery date closer to the beginning of December.