Lewis Black’s “Nothing’s Sacred”
I have a fairly high standard for comedy, especially when dealing with books, so I wasn’t too sure what I would get when I picked up Lewis Black’s Nothing’s Sacred. I have seen much of Black’s blend of comedy and socio-political commentary on television, but does his skillset translate well to book form? Yes, yes it does. The first few chapters of this book deal with Black’s childhood, explaining just what led to his unique reaction to authority. Of course, Black’s memories are filled with some truly funny scenarios, and his delivery is as masterful as it is in a live performance or dialogue. About four or five chapters in, Black hits stride and never slows down. Ripping on everything from nonsensical religious debates to social issues that get blown out of proportion, Black manages to do what all great comedians strive to do: make you laugh at and recognize truth. In some cases, namely religious ones, a great deal of opinion sets into Black’s arguments, which is fine. You don’t have to agree with everything he says (I don’t, myself), but it can still be absolutely hilarious, as well as raise some valid and pressing concerns about the topic at hand. Some things he discusses are a little more universal in nature: I am a particular fan of the nonsensical thought process that led teachers to instruct students in the 50s to take shelter from an atomic bomb under flammable wooden desks.
Put simply, Nothing’s Sacred is just an immensely enjoyable ride from start to finish, and currently stands as one of my favorite bits of comedy-put-to-paper that I have ever had the good fortune to experience. I literally cried laughing at multiple points. A word of warning, if you are easily offended by differing views or some obscene language on par with the standup routines of George Carlin, then perhaps anything Lewis Black does is not for you. For everyone else, particularly those of you who like engaging in critical thought regarding politics or social behavior, I highly recommend that you pick up Lewis Black’s Nothing Sacred. It is a relatively fast read (as demanded by Black’s style of comedy), will make you think, and will, most importantly, make you laugh. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have.