Dandridge Arts Excursion 2013 Celebrating American Craft Week, October 12, 2013

October 12, 2013 in downtown, Dandridge, TN and environs is a day to celebrate talented artisans and their work. Craftsmen and Artists from the Dandridge area will be celebrating the culmination of American Craft Week by demonstrating their skills free to the public, in and around downtown Dandridge, from 10:00am until 4:00pm. Last year several artists opened their private studios and new businesses sponsored additional artists. Also the addition of a Children’s Tent, generously sponsored by KeeYoung Hartley Boyd and Suzy Jarnagin, downtown allowed children of all ages to experience hands on craft. American Arts and Crafts are part of our heritage and Dandridge is recognizing the countless ways handmade objects enrich our daily lives and contribute to our local and national aesthetic and economy, by holding the “Dandridge Arts Excursion 2013.”

This will be the third annual event and plans are still in the making. Artists and craftspeople in the area that are interested can still participate. The premise of the event is to encourage artists who create unique pieces of work using little or no purchased components. This gives the public a unique opportunity to meet artists and craftspeople that are demonstrating their expertise. In 2012 the event drew many visitors from surrounding communities and this is continuing to grow. It was a beautiful day going from venue to venue learning about different techniques, history of the craft, stories about the artists themselves and visiting studios not often open to the public, downtown and all along the shores of Douglas Lake. Many displayed and offered their work for sale.

Those interested in participating can get further information by going to www.mainstreetdandridge.com or by e-mailing dandridgearts@gmail.com

The “ Dandridge Arts Excursion 2013” is partially sponsored by the Dandridge Community Trust; others interested in sponsoring the event may also go to the links above.