Rehearsals Have Begun for JCHS Alumni Band to Play October 4th

On October 4th, the JCHS Alumni Band will meet for the second year in a row to play in the stands at a football game (like the good ol’ days!) This is a perfect time to catch up with long lost friends and remember the reason why we enjoyed band in the first place. Even if you do not wish to play, you are more than welcome to come along and enjoy the fun! As for rehearsals, we will begin meeting on Mondays @ 6PM at the JCHS Band Room. We will meet Mondays @ 6PM for an informal rehearsal to work out parts.

Due to the construction at JCHS, please enter the school from the new entrance on Highway 92 and park in the lot in front of the portables.

Finally, a note from the current JCHS Band Director:  The old marching Patriot uniforms are being sold for $50 and as far as I know, the hat is included in the price. Also, old band competition trophies from 2005 and before are offered up to individuals who would like to give an old trophy a home.