Grandmother’s Sweet Tea

recipe-entreeMy husband loves his Grandmother’s sweet tea.  When we got married, one of her gifts to me included a plastic pitcher, a bag of Handi Wipes, liquid sweetener, and her sweet tea recipe.  I did not grow up being a sweet tea drinker (or any kind of tea drinker), so I was skeptical that I could live up to the standard of her tea.  I remember the first time I made her sweet tea, reading from the hand-written recipe card, hoping it would turn out okay.  Once it had cooled, my husband took a drink and smiled widely.  Success!  Now, it’s a treasured recipe to hand down for generations to come.


1 family size tea bag (I use Luzianne decaf)

½ cup sugar

1 T liquid sweetener

Place sugar and liquid sweetener in pitcher or other gallon container.  Set aside.

Place tea bag in small saucepan and cover with 2 cups of water.  Bring to a boil.  Place layers of cheesecloth or Handi Wipes in strainer and pour tea through strainer into pitcher.  Stir to dissolve sugar.

Place same tea bag back into saucepan and cover with 2 cups of water.  Bring to a boil and strain as before into pitcher.  Stir again to make sure all sugar is dissolved.  Fill pitcher to top with water.  Place in refrigerator to cool.

Source: Recipe by Tricia Swann